UC History 1917-1941 (50 years)

Dublin Core


UC History 1917-1941 (50 years)

Items in the UC History 1917-1941 (50 years) Collection

Aerial View of Union College
This black and white 14.5" x 19" aerial photograph shows how the Union College campus looked during the 1920s.

East Side of the Union College Campus
This black and white 8" x 10" photograph of the Union College campus shows the old gymnasium with the Normal Building (formerly East Hall) on the right and the laundry and power house building on the left. The picture appears to have been taken in…

1937 Library Building
Black and white 8x10 image of the Library building built in 1937-1938. The library was located on the northwest corner of the campus. When its collections outgrew this building, an annex was added which connected it to the music building. Today the…

The Laundry

Students are hard at work pressing and folding laundry in this 8" x 10" black and white photograph which was published in the Clocktower, June 1, 1934.

Broom Shop
Seven students work industriously in the Union College Broom shop. IN this 8x10 photograph A supervisor stans at the back of the room. Started in 1899, there were several locations, this one might be inside the old ice house.

Emil Fick

This black and white 2.25" x 3.25" portrait of Emil Fick was his junior class picture at Union College. It is published in the 1930 Golden Cords. Fick graduated in 1931 with majors in Bible and history.

Union College Laundry's New Delivery Truck
Driver Eddie Holdweger holds a package while he leans against the new Union College Laundry delivery truck in front of the laundry building in this 4" x 5" black and white photograph. This photograph was published in the 1941 Golden Cords.

Union College Laundry and Powerhouse
A black and white 4.5" x 2.5" photograph of the Union College Laundry building and powerhouse.

The Laundry
The 3" x 4" black and white photograph shows the interior of the Union College Laundry. The date is unknown, but may be in the 1930s.

The Laundry
The 3" x 4" black and white photograph shows the interior of the Union College Laundry. The date is unknown, but may be in the 1930s.