Lovell Bro's. Service Grocery and Market College Groceteria as seem in this 4.5" x 6.5" black and white photograph was located at 1005-1007 L Street in College View, near the intersection of today's South 48th and Cooper Streets. One gentleman and…
This 7.5" x 9.5" black and white photograph is of the University Place district. A railroad crossing sign can be seen as well as shops along side the road. The shops include a post office, a drug store, and a grocery store. The leaves on the tress…
A street located in University Place can be seen in this black and white 7.5x9.5 photograph. Businesses line the street including a shoe shop, barber shop, and Bethany Bakery, as well as the first state bank on the end. The road surface is dirt. The…
This is a 7.5" x 9.5" black and white photograph of the University Place district. It was established as its own town in 1926 due to the development of Nebraska Wesleyan University. It is located on North 48th Street (the former L Street) between…
This is a 7.5" x 9.5" black and white photograph of South 48th Street in College View. The store on the left is the College Grocerteria which was owned by Glenn E. Lovell and Harold A. Lovell. The other building was built by the Van Syoc family and…
This black and white 7.5" x 9.5" photograph of L Street (now South 48th Street). The street is lined with shops and business with cars parked in front.
In this 7.5" x 9.5" black and white photograph the intersection of L Street (now 48th Street) and 11th Street (now Prescott Avenue) can be seen. There are many businesses along these streets including grocery stores, a bank, and a service garage. A…
The intersection of L Street (now South 48th Street) and 11 Street (now Prescott Avenue) is shown in this 7.5" x 9.5" black and white photograph. Some of the shops along 11th Street include a shoe shop, a couple of grocery stores, and a bank. …
This black and white 8" x 10" photograph of the intersection of Prescott Street (formerly 11th Street) and South 48th Street in College View. The College Grocerteria seen in the photo was owned by Glenn E. Lovell and Harold A. Lovell. There are cars…
This black and white 7.5" x 9.5" photograph of L Street (now South 48th Street). The street is lined with shops and business with cars parked in front.