Browse Items (55 total)
- Collection: John W. Fulk Collection
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North Hall
North Hall is shown in this 7.5" x 9.5" black and white photograph. It was built in 1891 and originally housed the Scandinavian and German students. Due to a finacial crisis, North Hall was leased out and used as a sanitarium in 1899. From 1920…
Tags: North Hall
North Hall in Winter
A wintry view is a 8.5" x 6.5" black and white photograph North Hall a few years after it was rebought by Union College and became the women's residence hall. There is snow on the ground and the trees are barren. A woman walks down the sidewalk…
Tags: North Hall, Union College
Old Chevrolet Car Parked on Prescott Street
An old Chevrolet car is parked on Prescott Street in this 7.5" x 9.5" black and white photograph. The car has a license plate on the front, and the numbers that can be seen are 20-4. College View Seventh-day Adventist Church can be seen in the…
Tags: College View Church
Sigma Iota Kappa
In this black and white 8" x 10" photograph members of Sigma Iota Kappa sit on the steps of South Hall. This student club consisted of South Hall residents. Club members planned many programs for social life on campus including banquets, musical…
Tags: 1930s, 1935, 1936, Sigma Iota Kappa, South Hall
South Hall
In this 6.5" x 9.5" black and white photograph students lounge on the porch while others walk up the steps with suitcases, suggesting that this may be the August or September arrival of students for a new school year. One young man is in uniform.
Tags: 1940s, South Hall
South Hall Fire
The remains of old South Hall after a fire is seen in this 7.5" x 9.5" black and white photograph. The fire started on the night of December 25, 1953. In the midst of the rubble men can be seen beginning the work of clean-up. The gymnasium is…
Tags: Fire, South Hall, Union College
South Hall in Summer
A 6.5" x 4.5" black and white photograph of South Hall in the summer time with trees fully leafed out. South Hall was built in 1890-91. Although intended to be the women's residence hall, it originally housed both male and female English-speaking…
Tags: Boys Dorm, South Hall, Union College
Student Colporteur Band
Union College's student colporteur band sits for a group photograph in this 7.5" x 9.5" black and white picture. Second row from the bottom third person in from the right is Isabelle Anderson '39; Mary Jane Douglas '38 is in the second row from the…
Tags: 1930s, 1934, A.K. Phillips, Clocktower, Colporteur
The Remains of Old South Hall After the Fire
This 4.5" x 6.5" black and white photograph shows the remains and rubble left after the accidental fire in South Hall in 1953. The south end of the College Building with its fire escape steps can be seen beyond the rubble. Cars are parked in the…
Tags: 1950s, 1953, Fire, Old Administration Building, South Hall