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  • Tags: 1935

This is a 5" x 7" black and white photograph of the "outside" students sitting on the steps of North Hall was taken for the 1936 yearbook. These students lived in private housing in the local community and attended classes at Union College.

In this 5" x 7" black and white photograph Union College science students sit on the steps of North Hall for a group picture for the 1936 yearbook. It is believed this group includes biology and chemistry majors as physics and math made up a separate…

In this black and white 8" x 10" photograph members of Sigma Iota Kappa sit on the steps of South Hall. This student club consisted of South Hall residents. Club members planned many programs for social life on campus including banquets, musical…

This black and white 8" x 10" photograph shows members of Kappa Theta whose motto was: "Seekers after the Key of Knowledge". Members were residents of North Hall. The club sponsored educational programs featuring topics such as etiquette, "proper…
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